A Blog that shows and talks about the Salt Water Joys Tour of the Munich Youth Choirs to Newfoundland and Labrador in the summer of 2011
Munich Youth Choirs Performance in Germany June 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Still in the Spirit
All of us truly enjoyed and appreciated the great hospitality of the people in the area and one thing we are all sure of - we will not wait another 36 years until we return.
The last few days went by increadibly fast, too bad we have to leave.
We would also like to take the opportunity to thank all of those who contributed to make this happen!! Thank you for allowing us to bring the Munich Youth Choirs in your region.
Standing Ovations for a memorable performance
This afternoon the Munich Youth Choirs performed in the beautiful setting of Our Lady of Mercy Heritage Church.
It was the first full lenght concert of the Saltwater Joys Tour and what a job they did!
The concert was divided into two parts. For the first half we enjoyed a variety of sacred music and listened to a number of stunning solos as well. The second half started off with German and Irish traditionals and included pieces from all continents and styles. It was easy to see that the singers were enjoying every moment of their performance.
This was cleary reflected by the audience's reaction and inspired the choristers to give their best. They did not disappoint. One audience member said: "I just had to be here. There's no way I would have missed this concert. It was well worth it."The Munich Youth Choirs did an excellent job and earned the standing ovations they received. Many were astounded at the variety of the program as well as the depth of the voices.
The time and effort spent in their musical training was evident and certainly paid off. If you want to experience them sing, check this blog for a performance near you.
A great beginning at St. Stephen's
Prior to the 11:00am service at St. Stephen's they presented a couple of songs and then had the honor to accompany mass.
Our choiristers received a very warm welcome from the parishioners and thanked them with singing some beautiful songs of worship, ending mass with Händels Halleluja Chorus.
Listening to these magnificent young voices does truly lift your spirits. If they are performing in a community near you, make a point to go see them!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Performance at the Intermission at the British Invasion at the Stephenville Theatre Festival
The Choirs received a standing ovation for their performance and we would like to remind everyone that they will give a concert tomorrow, July 31st, at 3:00pm at our Lady of Mercy. Come and see the full program that the Munich Youth Choirs have to offer!
Bienvenue à Boute du Cap
Before the Munich Youth Choirs had their turn to sing a selection of songs we enjoyed listening to a couple of great young accordionists, accompanied by guitar, a pianist as well as an absolutely stunning performance of Mi'Kmaq drumming. This was a true moment of sharing and everyone's soul was filled with music. The evening ended with a fabulous feed for all performers and made for a lot of interesting conversations.
Day 3 of the Saltwater Joys tour
Bonfire in Kippens
We had great people playing the guitar, the spoons and whistle.
Some of us also had the opportunity to take a walk along the trail and the shore, picking up some driftwood on the way back.
Thanks to everyone who arranged and participated in this enjoyable eveining. It was a wonderful end to a wonderful day.
Break at the beach
Visit to the Mi'Kmaq Museum in St. George's
Performance at the Arcadian Village
Visit to the Al Paca Farm
We learnt that Al Pacas are very shy and gentle aninmals. Those who wanted had the opportunity to feed them.
Did you know that that Al Paca fiber is hair and not wool? Whereas similar to sheeps wool it is warmer and does not contain lanolin, making it hypoallergenic.
Day 2 in Stephenville
Friday, July 29, 2011
Back After 36 Years! Munich Youth Choirs Performing in Stephenville Arts and Culture Centre as a part of the Stephenville Theatre Festival July 30th During Intermission
Below are links to The Arts and Culture Centre in Stephenville where The Munich Boys Choir first appeared in 1975 and the 33rd Annual Stephenville Theatre Festival!
Hope to see you there on Saturday Night!
Don't forget you can also see the Munich Youth Choirs accompanying a Mass on Sunday Morning July 31st at St.Stephen's Church in Stephenville at 11am and at Our Lady of Mercy Heritage Church in Port au Port West at 3pm.
Tickets for the Concert at Our Lady of Mercy Heritage Church are available at Debbie's Video on Main Street in Stephenville, More for Less Food Stores on Harold Ave in Corner Brook or by calling Dan McCann at 648-2745
Tickets: $15 in advance $18 at the door and $8 for Children under 12
Thursday, July 28, 2011
RCMP Musical Ride
Even our bus driver and one of our tour organizers - both being born and raised in Newfoundland - had not seen it before. The way they work with their horses is truly admirable.
This definitely made for a great ending of our first day here.
Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Our Lady of Mercy - our concert venue for Sunday July 31st
Since we were there anyway it was the perfect time to test the acustics - absolutely stunning!
The voices carry all the way to the last pew and no sound is lost. To hear more come to our concert at Our Lady of Mercy this Sunday, July 31st at 3:00pm.
Tickets are available at Debbie's Video on Main Street Stephenville, at More for Less Food Stores on Harold Ave in Corner Brook or by calling Dan McCann at 648-2745
Admission is $15 in advance or $18 at the door. Children under 12 pay $8.
Gravels Trail
Means of Transport in Stephenville
First Day in Stephenville
The College of North Atlantic, where we are staying, gave us an excellent welcome and made us feel right at home. More details about what we will be doing today to follow shortly. Please check in again.
Best wishes to our families and friends back in Germany - we are certainly having a great time here!
Arrived with cheers of welcome
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
A quick hello from on the way
Off we go - destination Newfoundland
Loaded with lots of luggage and packed with excitement the Munich Youth Choirs will bring their joy of singing to the beautiful province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Looking forward to a terrific tour, meeting great people and exploring outstanding sites. Come and see us when we are in a community near you!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
2 Days and Counting: Reminder about Concert at Our Lady of Mercy Heritage Church on July 31st at 3pm
Tickets are $ 15 in advance, $ 18 at the door and $8 for children under 12
Tickets are available at Debbies Video on Main Street in Stephenville, at More for Less Food Stores on Harold Ave in Corner Brook and by calling Dan McCann at 648-2745.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Final rehearsal before going on Tour
Today was the final rehearsal prior to the 2011 Saltwater Joys Tour.
We had a prominent guest from the St. Bonifaz Abbey who bade the choir farewell and blessed all of us who are getting ready for the adventure.
Accompanied by piano, accordion and guitar the Munich Youth Choirs are a true inspiration and make you want to join in their singing. At least that is exactly what I feel like doing! All of us who are going are hoping for a safe and pleasant journey and are absolutely ecstatic about this trip - Newfoundland, here we come!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Review of Munich Youth Choirs Accompanying Church Service in Rain, Bavaria in German
Friday, July 22, 2011
Concert at Cupids United Church on Sunday Aug 14th at 7pm
Accompanying Church Service at Coughlan United Church on Sunday Aug 14th at 10:30am
Farewell Performance at High School Summer Party
Though it has not been much of a summer lately, this was the day of the summer party at Luitpold Gymnasium, a local High School and a performance opportunity for the Munich Youth Choirs.
They did draw quite a crowd when presenting a variety of songs. Most of the group will be leaving for this summer's Saltwater Joys Tour shortly. With a vast repertoire ranging from religious to secular music from all eras and continents, from traditional to contemporary songs this group will certainly appeal to all listeners.
If you are looking for an uplifting experience, make sure to come and see them perform when they are in your area.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Lunch Time Performance in the City of Mount Pearl on Aug 18th
Latest Performance in Germany - Preparation for the Tour
The Munich Youth Choirs were invited to perform on this occasion singing a selection of the repertoire they are going to present during the Saltwater Joys tour.
We would like to remind everyone that the tour commences next week. The Munich Youth Choirs are ready to share their joy of music with you. Come and see them at their first concert on Sunday, July 31st at 3:00pm at Our Lady of Mercy Heritage Church in Port au Port West.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
This is a link to a review of last weekend's performance (article in German): http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/donauwoerth/Jungend-setzt-sich-in-Szene-id15975676.html
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
One more week to go...
I know mountains are being moved in Newfoundland and am deeply greatful to all these fabulous people who keep on digging. Back here in Munich the choristers are really getting up to speed as well, these kids are absolutely amazing and listening to them will sweep you off your feet.
Looking very much forward to coming!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Accompanying Sunday Aug 7th Church Service in Trinity United at 11 am
church service in Trinity United Church in Botwood. Everyone is welcome to come
and hear the Munich Youth Choirs Church program. Come and enjoy the beautiful
songs of worship sung by the Munich Youth Choirs.
Concert in Botwood: Trinity United Church Aug 6th at 7pm
Monday, July 18, 2011
Trinity Concert: St.Pauls Anglican Church Aug 10th at 7pm
Concert in Bonavista at Memorial United Church Aug 9th at 7pm
On Tuesday Aug 9th at 7pm there will be a concert in Bonavista
at Memorial United Church which is on Church Street.
Below is a link to Memorial United Church. Come and experience the Munich Youth Choirs in concert. You will be entertained, an enjoyable night out that you will not forget.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Cover Picture of Brochure
Munich Youth Choirs Performance in Kassel Germany on You Tube
During the Long Night of the Churches in May 2011 in Kassel, Germany; the Munich Youth Choirs were filmed during a performance and a rehearsal before it. This was a part of their tour of Northern Germany in May 2011. Hope that you enjoy it.
Saltwater Joys - Willkommen zum Tourblog der Jungen Chöre München
Als Reiseleiter dürfen wir hautnah dabei sein und werden hier regelmäßig über Auftritte, Begegnungen, Erlebnisse und Erkenntnisse während der Reise berichten.
Die letzten Vorbereitungen laufen auf Hochtouren - sowohl in München als auch auf Neufundland. Die Spannung steigt und die Vorfreude ist groß. Nur noch 10 Tage und es geht auf zu neuen Ufern!
Concert at Church of the Good Shepard Norris Point Aug 4th 2011 at 7pm
This Blog will also have postings in German
Friday, July 15, 2011
Munich Youth Choirs will be accompanying Sunday Mass at St. Stephens Church in Stephenville 11a.m. July 31st
Just wanted to let you know that the Munich Youth Choirs will be accompanying the Sunday Morning Mass at St.Stephens Church in Stephenville on July 31st at 11a.m. The choir is looking forward to it and hopes to see you there.
Interview with the Munich Youth Choirs
What made you join this choir?
I always loved to sing and when I learnt about this choir I was hooked.
What does music and singing mean for you?
Music is a lot of fun, I cannot imagine living without it!
How often do you rehearse?
Rehearsal is twice a week for 2 1/2 hours. In addition we have vocal training or singing lessons once a week.
What happens if you sing out of tune?
You try to do better next time - and by the way, I do not sing out of tune.
Do you get nervous before a performance?
Not as much as I did when I first joined. Still a little bit, prior to a special concert or when singing a solo.
What is your favorite part about being in the choir?
Everything! The music, the companionship we enjoy, my friends, being able to travel and perform in places I'd otherwise not get to.
What kind of music to you listen to at home?
Anything and everything!
If you could achieve just one thing with the Munich Youth Choirs, what would that be?
Travel the world and share the joy of singing!
This is just one example showing the importance and drive the choristers attach to touring - it does involve a lot of time, effort, discipline and fun on their part. Touring provides an opportunity to grow musically and the ability to share and enjoy music with other communities around the globe is the biggest reward. Make a point to come and hear them sing, you will find that they are a lively, enthusiastic bunch with a true appreciation and love of music.
Getting ready for a Newfoundland adventure
Music is the true universal language, it opens hearts and minds. Touring provides opportunities to share the joy of music with a wider audience, strengthens the fellowship of the choir and builds international relationships. For the Munich Youth Choirs travel has always been an integral part of the choristers' education.
In twelve days 30 young, enthusiastic choristers will board a plane and head to Newfoundland. As one of the people being involved in organizing this tour I can honestly say that everyone is very much looking forward to coming!
To read more about the Munich Youth Choirs, what is happening on stage and behind the scenes, be sure to check in again.
Munich Youth Choirs Concert:Our Lady of Mercy Heritage Church Port au Port West July 31st 3p.m.
The Munich Youth Choirs is pleased to announce that they will be performing at Our Lady of Mercy Heritage Church in Port au Port West on Sunday July 31st at 3p.m.
Tickets: $15 in advance $18 at the door $8 for children under 12
Tickets are available at
Debbies Video, Main street, Stephenville
More for Less Food Stores on Harold Ave in Corner Brook
or by calling Dan McCann at 648-2745
For more information about Our Lady of Mercy Heritage Church go to the link below
Welcome to the Munich Youth Choirs Blog
This is the beginning of a journey for a choir from Munich, Germany called the Munich Youth Choirs, who will be coming to Newfoundland and Labrador to do a concert tour in July and August of this year. Over the coming days ahead you will be given details about where and when the tour will be coming near you. A lot has been planned and the choirs have been preparing since September for this tour. They will be singing a wide range of music in at least four languages: English, French, German, Japenese. You will be hearing stirring songs from Musicals, Classical , Religious, Traditional Newfoundland and a few surprises. Come and be entertained. It will be a fabulous nights entertainment, that you will not forget.